• Summary

    The Ericsson AIR Mоunt wаѕ dеѕіgnеd tо bе a lіghtwеіght, precise and еаѕу tо uѕе mоuntіng solution fоr thе Ericsson AIR21 and AIR32 antennas. Part#3Z-RFV-EAIR

    The Problem We Solve

    Due to the uniqueness of the Ericsson AIR21 and AIR32 antennas, standard clamps do not attach well. These antennas require a specialty clamp for proper alignment.

    How We Solve It!

    The Ericsson AIR Mоunt allows fоr ԛuісk іnѕtаllаtіоn оf the RF Vision and 3Z RF Alіgnеr onto thе AIR21 and AIR32 bу utіlіzіng ball bearings tо spin mоuntіng роѕtѕ оntо еxіѕtіng AIR bracket hаrdwаrе. Thе mоdulаr dеѕіgn оf thе AIR Mount еnаblеѕ thе 3Z RF Alіgnеr and RF Vision tо bе installed fоrwаrd, rеvеrѕе, +90 or -90 dеgrееѕ orientation.
  • Summary

    Similar to the standard Lip Clamp (3Z-RFV-LIPC), the Extended Lip Clamp allows attachment to antenna features that are up to 10 inches in width.

    The Problem we Solve

    Some microwave antennas have features that require wider clamping width for safe attachment of the RF Vision.

    How We Solve It

    The Extended Lip Clamp has a wide, but easily adjustable clamping system that will accommodate antenna features up to 10 inches wide for mounting your RF Vision safely and quickly.
  • Summary

    Similar to the Extended Lip Clamp, the Extended Lip Clamp with L-back plate allows attachment to antenna features that are up to 11 inches in width. Part #3Z-RFV-XLPL.

    The Problem We Solve:

    Some microwave antennas have features that require wider clamping width for safe attachment of the RF Vision.

    How We Solve It

    The Extended Lip Clamp with L-back plate has a wide and adjustable clamping width with a large clamp contact area, perfectly suitable for safe and rapid mounting of the RF Vision to the top of panel antennas. The Extended Lip Clamp with L-back plate has a “stepped L” back design to accommodate a variety of antenna types and sizes.
  • Summary

    The Top Clamp is used to mount the RF Vision to the top of cellular panel antennas. Part#3Z-RFV-TOPC

    The Problem we Solve

    Some panel mount antenna installations do not easily accommodate back or side mounting of the RF Vision using the standard Universal strap clamp.

    How We Solve It

    The Top Clamp has a wide and adjustable clamping width with a large clamp contact area, perfectly suitable for safe and rapid mounting of the RF Vision to the top of panel antennas. The Top Clamp has a “stepped L” back design to accommodate a variety of antenna types and sizes.
  • Summary

    The Nokia FASb Standoffs (4pcs.) were designed as an add-on for the Strap Clamp. This integrated mounting solution is precise and еаѕу tо uѕе with thе Nokia FASb antennas. Part#3Z-RFV-SOFF Strap Clamp sold separately.

    The Problem We Solve

    Due to the uniqueness of the Nokia FASb antennas, standard clamps do not attach well. These antennas require a specialty clamp for proper alignment.

    How We Solve It!

    Using the Strap Clamp with the Nokia FASb Standoffs allows fоr ԛuісk іnѕtаllаtіоn оf the RF Vision and 3Z RF Alіgnеr onto thе Nokia FASb antennas.
  • Lead time: 1-2 weeks


    RF Vision is an innovative antenna alignment tool that helps users to easily and quickly perform an accurate antenna alignment on panel and microwave point-to-point antennas. With its compact size, rugged design, user friendly GUI, unique reporting capabilities and integrated camera, RF Vision has paved the future for the antenna alignment tool market.

    The Problem We Solve

    It is common for Wireless Operators to face network challenges due to the increase of cell overshooting and interference issues on high speed wireless data networks. These challenges degrade network performance, increase customer complaints and grow churn rates. With the increase of data demand, the RAN site installation quality is equally as important. Companies spend millions of dollars to plan and design wireless and microwave networks, but still require skilled personnel at the site to comply with the RF design specifications through dependable tools.

    How We Solve It!

    RF Vision creates a unique experience to the user while properly aligning antennas and improving RAN performance. With Dual Frequency GNSS, a 5” Touch Screen, Built-in Camera, Augmented Reality and automated line-of-sight reports, Wireless Operators can rest assured that antenna field installations and RF Designs will match. An accurate antenna alignment will improve cell performance, maximize voice quality and data traffic, reduce churn, optimize OPEX and keep customers happy. Site test equipment dependability is equally important to Tower Technicians to perform an accurate antenna alignment. RF Vision’s user-friendly GUI and compact size, allows Tower Technicians to optimize the time at site and its rugged design, extra rubber bumpers, weather resistant and impact resistant display ensures durability, avoiding equipment down time.

    What Comes in the Kit

    1-RF Vision Antenna Aligner 1-All-in-one carry-on padded bag 1-Protective Hard Carrying Case 1-Strap Clamp (with 2.5 feet diameter straps) 1-AC/DC Power Charger with multi-region plug adaptors 4-Protective Rubber Bumpers for microwave antenna

    Size & Weight

    Size: L 13 1/4” x W 5 9/16” H x 4 5/8” Weight: 4lbs 3 oz


  • Summary

    Spare hard carrying case for the RF Vision 2000. Rugged; Weather resistant. Part#3Z-RFV-CSE-HARD
  • Summary

    Spare soft carrying case for the RF Vision 2000. All Weather. Part#3Z-RFV-BAG-SOFT
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    Replacement mounting knob for the 3Z-RFV-BRK-SCF2 universal mounting clamp. Part#3Z-RFV-KNB-MKM8
  • Summary

    Spare set of 4 x M4 rubber Bumpers for Microwave dish attachment when using the RF Vision 2000 Universal Strap Clamp (3Z-RFV-BRK-SC2F). Part#3Z-RFV-BMP-FSET